Dungeon Critters - cover title

TTRPGkids GRAPHIC NOVEL review: Dungeon Critters!

I had heard of Dungeon Critters before in recommendations and had been meaning to grab a copy when… I saw one at my local library!  Needless to say, I checked it out immediately and had a great time reading this awesome tabletop RPG-vibed graphic novel together with my kid! 
Teddy the RPG - cover page

Teddy the RPG review – a cute and daring teddy bear adventure!

Teddy the RPG is a tabletop RPG themed after valiant teddy bears who help kids face their fears, explore the unknown, and handle life’s challenges.  It is a rules-light game powered by the PUSH system and includes tons of tables filled with adventure ideas to both start an exciting story and keep the fun going!

Making a tabletop RPG for your particular kid: a quick start step by step guide!

Taking the leap into creating your own story and mechanics for a game with your kids can be a little daunting – there’s a lot to consider!  To help break things down, I created a one-page guide that walks you through each step of the process in a clear and concise way so you have a solid foundation for making some awesome games for your particular kid!
logo art from Creators Assemble, an organization focusing on education through pop culture

Interview with Dan from Creators Assemble!

Dan is a member at large for Creators Assemble, an organization dedicated to helping kids learn through graphic novels and tabletop RPGs and helping artists get paid for their work! They have educator toolkits, creator resources, outreach projects, and so much more! Check out my interview with Dan here, and check out Creators Assemble!
cover for ENI - a tabletop RPG for anyone!

Featured project: ENI, a tabletop RPG system for “any”one and “any” setting!

ENI is an all-ages system that you can use for any type of adventure you can think of! It’s system helps balance player interactions, teaches about cost and reward, and is easy to understand – check it out now as ENI is expanding from digital only into a physical zine!
Stacks of goblins - all ages tabletop RPG

Stacks of Goblins review – a shenanigan-filled all ages tabletop RPG!

Stacks of Goblins is a tabletop RPG designed for all ages to share in goblin mischief! From the fun settings, whacky goals, and semi-collaborative nature of working as a bunch of goblins in a trenchcoat, this is bound to be fun for everyone!