Featured Project: DanDMadeEasy Spell Tome

I am VERY excited to see DanDMadeEasy, who has been sharing materials with local TTRPG school groups for some time now, launching on Kickstarter! These spell tomes are great for helping keep track of everything for your games at any age, and they can particularly help with kids and new players! In addition, Dan from DanDMadeEasy is offering a part of the funds raised to TTRPGkids to help support more resources for kid-focused TTRPGs, and I am VERY greatful.

*As a note, the intro is written by Steph from TTRPGkids, and the article was written by the project’s creator since content is in pre-release/crowdfunding and is edited/approved by TTRPGkids for the site

How do you deal with spell information in your kid-friendly games? Colorful spell cards can be great as kids love to play with them, but they may quickly end up all over the place!

The DanDMadeEasy Spell Tome lets you and your kids create custom stylish Spell Tomes to store all of your DnD 5E spell information from the comfort of your home. The Tome comes as a set of files with detailed instructions to assemble and bind your own custom tomes using a color printer. As you fill in spell information using PDF fields, you can store any spells you want to, including spells off a classes typical spell list, or homebrew spells. And, as all of the spells are in one place, they’re less likely to end up under the table!

An example DanDMadeEasy Spell Tome inside pages showing some level 2 and Druid spells

Making tomes is straightforward, and is a really fun crafting project to share with kids ages 4 and up. You’ll first select the pages you want, including divider pages to organize your spells, and then print them. Files are provided in Letter or A4, and in a range of alignments to support optimal double-sided printing. After printing your Spell Tome pages, you cut them to the right size, and then bind them together. Four different binding options are recommended in a range of budgets, and the simplest one just needs string!

Depending on your kids’ ages and preferences, you may want to choose different parts of the process to do together. You may want to make certain choices with your kids (such as how to organize your Tome), but perhaps fill in the PDFs yourself. You should consider safety around scissors, and if you have younger kids, you may want to cut around the tabs on printed pages yourself as they’re a little trickier to cut than straight lines!

You or your kids can fill spell information in PDFs, or write it after printing pages

The Tome is already available, but I’ll soon launch a Kickstarter project to update it to add new options to make the Tome more customizable. This includes new themed covers, custom covers with letters A-Z in each theme, and new options for organizing your Tomes, including sorting spells by casting time.

Top: Spell Tome covers in Arcane, Divine, Occult and Primal style;
Bottom: Custom A-Z covers in Arcane, Divine, Occult and Primal Styles

I fully support the TTRPGkids mission to help share the joy of roleplaying with more young adventurers (and I’m really glad the community obviously does too – congratulations for the recent ENNIE win, Steph!), which is why I’ll be donating 10% of the project’s funding to TTRPGkids.

The Kickstarter project will be launching soon, and an early bird discount will be available for the first few days. If you’re interested, follow the project now!

I offer all of my print at home creations, including the Spell Tome, for free for uses such as charity events and school D&D clubs. If you’re running a school club and want to add some immersive player aids for your young adventurers (and maybe run some fun crafting classes too!), reach out to me on my website.

Until next time, happy adventuring!

Dan, DanDMadeEasy

Check out this project to support the creator, and, if you liked this post, make sure to subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest reviewstips and tricksgame and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!

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