Interview with RP Deshaies on rules bright TTRPGs

Interview with René-Pier Deshaies on “rules bright” TTRPGs

I had the opportunity to chat with RP Deshaies about his experience with game design, what “rules bright” mechanics are, and how this way of looking at mechanics makes games special, especially for young players. It was great getting to talk with RP, and I hope you enjoy our conversation!
featured project: Argo-0

Featured Project: Argo-0, where Geek mythology, 80’s cartoons, space epics, and TTRPGs combine

Argo-0 is the latest tabletop RPG coming from Hatchlings Games, creator of Inspirisles, Dragon Dowser, and Cryptid Creeks. See how Arogo-0 puts a new spin on tales of old to create an awesome cinematic space adventure for all ages to enjoy.
Review of Super Cool Monster Hunting Club

Review of Super Cool Monster Hunting Club

Wild stories come to life in this TTRPG where the ideas of a kid’s imagination about the strange happenings in town turn out to be… at least a little bit true! Rock-paper-scissors your way to the source of the mystery to find out what REALLY happened, and have fun using actual household gear to do so!
Featured Project: Children With Wands

Featured Project: Children With Wands, a TTRPG full of magical chaos!

We often think of bursting into a scene with full power as being better in tabletop RPGs, but… that’s not always the case! Children With Wands challenges this in an amazing fun and creative way as they try to learn how to use their magical abilities… and sometime accidentally crank the volume up a bit too much (which just makes the story wonderfully chaotic). Find out more here and go check out the project!
TTRPGkids episode 16 on the Ludology Podcast

TTRPGkids on Ludology Podcast, Episode 16: Using TTRPGs to foster a love of learning

TTRPGkids has a regular spot on Ludology Podcast, and in this part of the series, I’ll be talking about educational TTRPGs! Episode 16 dives into how TTRPGs can be an excellent medium for learning to love learning by getting over certain roadblocks, becoming more familiar with trying new things, and gaining self-confidence.