Resources for TTRPGkids Origins Game Fair events!
Additional resources for each panel are listed above the relevant graphic below and include speaker info, discussion articles, and game features relevant to the event and panelists.
Giveaway: During Origins Game Fair, TTRPGkids is running a giveaway! Visit here to enter for your chance to win!
Jump to:
- Panels and workshop
- Making a Tabletop RPG for YOUR Particular Kid
- Publishing in Geek Spaces: Games, Books, and More
- Games and Eduation: Making Learning Fun
- The Therapeutic Benefits of Tabletop RPGs
- Games and activities for kids
- Try it out early: The Pendragon’s Primer
- Familiar Finders Storytime
- Come Play StoryGuider!
- How to sign up
- Supporting TTRPGkids during the event
TTRPGkids organized panels and workshop during Origins Game Fair
Workshop: Making a Tabletop RPG for YOUR Particular Kid (Sat, June 24 @11:00am)
I’m running a workshop to walk you through how to make a tabletop RPG that fits your kid’s wants and needs in 1 hour on a fillable worksheet!
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:
- Downloadable worksheets (free/PWYW)
- Tips and tricks article parallelling to worksheets
- Tips and tricks article: safety tools for kids
- Tips and tricks article: creating a setting for kids
- Tips and tricks article: adjust mechanics for kids
- Tips and tricks article: keeping interest at the game table
- Pre-made TTRPGs list for kids (250+ games)

Panel: Publishing in Geek Spaces: Games, Books, and More (Sat, June 24 @ 3:30pm)
Join a group of experienced self-publishers to talk about how you can use our tips and tricks to self-publish your own games, books, films, and more.
Speaker links:
- Heather (9th Level Games/UnPub)
- Dr. Megan Connel (Tabletop Role-Playing Therapy/Health Quest)
- Matthew Morgan (various publications/Geek Therapeutics)
- Steph (TTRPGkids/Tattered Bear)
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:
- Featured project: Venture Society by 9th Level Games
- Interview: Dr. Megan Connell
- Creator resources page
- Tips and tricks step-by-step for making a TTRPG for kids

Panel: Games and Education: Making Learning Fun (Sun, June 25 @ 11:00am)
Chat with educators who use TTRPGs to teach so you can see how to use TTRPGs for your own kids and classes.
Speaker links:
- Katie and Sergio (Young Dragon Slayes)
- Maryanne Cullinan (Culliope’s Cauldron)
- Steph (TTRPGkids)
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:
- Interview: Maryanne Cullinan, educational TTRPG teacher and researcher
- Interview: Katie from Young Dragon Slayers
- Featured project: Young Dragon Slayers
- Educational TTRPG resource page

Panel: The Therapeutic Benefits of Tabletop RPGs (Sun, June 25 @ 1:30pm)
Learn from experienced psycologists, therapists, teachers, and gamers about how TTRPGs can provide therapuetic benefits to players.
Speaker links:
- Dr. Megan Connel (Health Quest)
- Katie Lear (Young Dragon Slayes)
- Jack Berkenstock Jr. (The Bodhana Group)
- Maryanne Cullinan (Culliope’s Cauldron)
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:
- Interview: Dr. Megan Connell
- Interview: Maryanne Cullinan, educational TTRPG teacher and researcher
- Interview: Jack from The Bodhana Group
- Interview: Katie from Young Dragon Slayers

All ages friendly games and events by TTRPGkids at Origins Game Fair
Try it early: Pendragon’s Primer (Fri, June 23 @ 10:30am AND 1:00pm)
Check out the game before it starts crowdfunding! TTRPGkids is two advanced games of Pendragon’s Primer so you can try it out before anyone else!
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:

Familiar Finders story and journaling (Sat, June 24 @ 9:30am)
On behalf of Dice Up Games, I’m facilitating a read-along and journaling activity in the Origins Family Room!
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:
Find Familiar finders here:

StoryGuider (Sat, June 24 @ 1:30pm)
I’m running a session of StoryGuider, a TTRPG for pre-K kids at Origins! Adventure with Sandy the Dragon or with Will the Wizard (in training) in a quest made just for young ones!
Relevant resources on TTRPGkids:
- StoryGuider summary page and links
- Free/PWYW StoryGuider system intro
- 30 week SEL curriculum of adventures

How to sign up for Origins Game Fair and TTRPGkids events
To sign up for Origins Game Fair, there is a link from the Origins homepage that takes you to where you can sign up for badges here.
Once signed up for a badge, go to attend –> events schedule –> type TTRPGkids in the search bar OR click this link with it already searched.
Click “GET” on the one that you want.
From there, make sure to get your tickets booked, add them to your cart, and check out (even though it should be $0) or it won’t register you.
Supporting TTRPGkids efforts at Origins Game Fair
I’m doing this to help give people the opportunity to learn more about TTRPGs for kids and how to apply them in a way that’s effective and helpful. The same goes for this site – they’re free resources for partents, teachers, caregivers, facilitators, and everyone in between who wants to run TTRPGkids with their kids.
If you’d like to help support TTRPGkids efforts here, the best things you can do to help support this event are to:
- sign up for panels and games
- spread the word and invite friends
- post about the events (before or after)
Aside from this, if you are able to help support the cost for this event, please check out the TTRPGkids Crowdfundr page here which does include a goal to cover travel and lodging to get here along with other site expenses.
I appreciate your support in any of these ways, and thank you!
Thank you and see you at Origins!
Thank you for checking out TTRPGkids during Origins Game Fair, and send me a message on social media or at if you’re there in person! If you liked this post and want to keep up to date on future updates and events, make sure to subscribe to the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter and check out some of my reviews, tips and tricks, game and podcast lists, and more . Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and for sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!