Sandy’s Hearts and Crafts is FREE in the TTRPGkids ko-fi shop until Feb 14!
Visit the TTRPGkids ko-fi shop to grab a copy of Sandy’s Hearts and Crafts, one of the games in the StoryGuider series, for free until Feb 14, 2023!

StoryGuider: Sandy’s Hearts and Crafts! is a premade holiday special tabletop RPG adventure for pre-K kids about Sandy the Dragon and how they are getting ready for a special pancake party the next day! Sandy just can’t seem to wait! Help get ideas on how to pass the time for special events while also finding ways to show that you care about friends.
This story is part of the StoryGuider pre-K curriculum, and, in addition to focusing on the core skills of every StoryGuider game, this game specifically helps with practicing the following skills:
- Learn to wait by doing or making something, counting, etc
- Say thank you to those who help you
I hope you enjoy the game either at home or in your class, and Happy Valentine’s Day!