My kid wants to play D&D... now what?

My kid wants to play D&D – now what?

Your kid overhears your D&D game, sees it played in Stranger Things, or comes home all excited that their friend has told them about this awesome new game… and they ask you if they can play D&D too! 

Now what?  Whether you’re looking for a how to guide, D&D suggestions, D&D alternatives, or just some general advice on what to expect, check out here for a quick guide on where to start from the ENnie awarded TTRPGkids site and the author of “Making a Tabletop RPG for YOUR Particular Kid”!

Does a TTRPG need physical mechanics (dice, cards, etc) to be considered a TTRPG?

When creating games that are accessible to wider audiences, like making them more accessible to young kids, or trying out ideas that we haven’t seen released before, we sometimes push on the definition of what a tabletop RPG actually is.  This post looks at how TTRPGs and games are defined in a technical sense, how they can be defined from a public viewpoint, and what’s important about our creative endeavors.