TTRPGkids at GenCon Indy and GenCon Online recap (aka XP share)!
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- Panel resource links
- Events attended
- People and games at GenCon Indy
- The ENnies
- Where to find TTRPGkids next
GenCon Online panel on simplifying game mechanics for player accessibility
Whether you could attend the TTRPGkids and Madth Productions talk on game mecahnics accessibility or not, check out here for some additional resources on game mechanics and where to find Madth Productions! For everyone who attended, thank you for coming along, and I hope the talk helped answer some of your questions!

TTRPGkids article on mechanics adjustment
Co-presenter Madth Productions website
Making a TTRPG for YOUR Particular Kid
GenCon Indy events attended
While at GenCon Indy, I was able to attend a couple of very awesome scheduled events for myself and with my kid!

I got to sit in on a very cool panel about D&D for kids by some awesome GMs and creators who have a background in using TTRPGs with youth and was able to chat with a couple of the panelists afterwards!
I also hung out with kiddo in the Motley Kids room, which had TONS of activities for children, both ticketed and free. They had LARP tutorials running, crafts (like the dice tower my kid is making in the picture), and a very nice general space for younger audiences to get a little more space when the big halls got a bit too crowded.

AND… kiddo got to play a life-size TTRPG (Quest Kids) by Treasure Falls Games! He had a blast playing it, and all the kids involved were really working together, jumping around on tiles, sharing their resources, and have a good time.
In addition to the halls themselves being one massive event (and by halls, I mean the convention center, pretty much all the conference rooms in the surrounding hotels, the whole sports stadium, and more), there were some really cool extra activities going on that kiddo (and my partner and I) LOVED to see, including the live building of this to-scale balloon model of the lunar lander (whose creator was kind enough to answer my kid’s questions) and a massive community built card structure!

People and games at GenCon Indy
I also met so many awesome creators at GenCon and got to see some VERY cool games! This convention was huge, and I was juggling parenting duties a bit, but, in addition to the groups listed in the events section, I was still able to have some great conversations with:

- Jaclyn Lewis who made Rolling with the Youth
- Lin Codega from Gizmodo (and gold ENnie winner)
- The team from Paizo
- The Roll20 and DriveThru RPG folks
- MagiKids, a non-profit devoted to getting MtG supplies for kids
- NEED GAMES! who won Best Game for Fabula Ultima
- MatchPlay Games who has a cool superhero game called Legends
- The team at the Monte Cook suite
- The Cantrip Cast, who has made an awesome looking kid-friendly 5e adventure setting
- Free League who swept the ENnies (and I’m looking forward to trying out Tales from the Loop)
- The folks at Magpie Games who gave me a great tutorial for Root and some awesome info on Avatar Legends

- 9th Level Games who has a ton of youth-friendly games (and I was also just happy to meet up with again after our talk at Origins)
- The Metal Weave Games team, specifically Andreas Walters
- Randall Hampton (author of The Little Game Master)
- Indie Game Alliance, where I met up with the creators for Inner Realms Journey
- The Kobold Press team and Amber (who did the art for Adorablins)
- Snowbright Studio who makes the Cozy Companion magazine and Tea Time Adventures
- Cloud Curio Games who has some awesome Ghibli-esque adventures and awesome art
- The team at Escape Plan Games, who made Tavern Tales
- Possum Creek Games where we chatted about Yazeba’s and Wanderhome
- Gaming Honors, publishers for the Daipers & Daycares book
… and so many more!! I look forward to hopefully working with everyone I’ve talked to and featuring some of their work on the site in the future!
The ENnies
And, I’ve already mentioned in one of my other articles, so I won’t spend too much time on it here, but… TTRPGkids won a silver ENnie in Best Online Content! I also got to see a ton of amazing creators take the stage and have their hard work honored throughout the night, and this was most definitely one of my GenCon highlights.

Where to find TTRPGkids next

I’ll be hitting up some local events next (city corn roast and farmer’s markets), but the next convention that TTRPGkids will be attending is Grand Con in Michigan! Stop by to visit my first convention booth, attend some talks and games that I’m running, and come say hi!
Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and helping to bring this fun hobby to the next generation! Keep up to date on new reviews, games, and articles with the TTRPGkids monthly newsletter, and please also let me know in the comments or by email if you have any questions or plan on attending the convention and talk! To find out more about the sponsor at the top of the page who are helping to keep TTRPGkids rolling, please check out the sponsor page here!