Solar Mech Squad: An Interstellar Solarpunk TTRPG
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*physical copies available on DTRPG, digital copies available on*
Solar Mech Squad is a solarpunk (nature-tech) tabletop RPG that focuses on teamwork, problem solving, and having non-violent fun with massive mechs!

You are part of the Solar Mech Squad, a group of ecologists and engineers who travel through space and find planets that were once ruined by their inhabitants to help return them to a livable state. Since the planets are often dangerous to begin with, you utilize a fleet of mechs that you can remotely control to send to the surface. Your goal is to work together through your mechs and get creative so you can meet all the requirements to set future inhabitants up in a sustainable community that will coexist with the planet this time instead of depleting it.

Choose a mech with special abilities to help your group complete all the habitat goals! Team up to earn bonus dice and handle world events ranging from storms to toxic waste to volcanic eruptions! Have fun and learn about sustainable community practices while building problem solving skills and teamwork!
Solar Mech Squad does require some reading and understanding of cause and effect, however the content is appropriate for all ages and there’s no combat. This game is for 2-4 players plus an optional game guide and includes educator resources to assist with any integration with classroom use.

Solar Mech Squad runs on Caltrop Core, a rules-lite and easy to use mechanic developed by TitanomachyRPG, and this game was submitted as part of the Super Secret Caltrop Core Game Jam!
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Im still learning from you, while Im making my way to the top as well. I absolutely enjoy reading all that is posted on your site.Keep the stories coming. I liked it!
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