TTRPGkids tips and tricks for running a 1-1 TTRPG session

Tips and tricks for running 1-1 tabletop RPG and D&D games with kids

Running a 1-1 game does come with its own challenges, but it also comes with some cool new elements and perspectives for your game.  I’ve run tabletop RPGs for a group of seven players and I’ve run them for just one player – here are some of the differences I’ve seen and tips for how to handle them!
TTRPG item card for a queen's crown - held up on a stand made from Ti'Tains

Tips and tricks: Using item cards in your tabletop RPGs!

One of the main issues I run into when playing either with my kid or my regular tabletop RPG groups is keeping track of and using our items.  We all LOVE to get loot or stash away health potions for a rainy day, but, when they’re written on the character sheet along with everything else, they can get kind of lost or hard to track.  Also, you may have the name of the item written down… but then you gotta look up details in the book when you do remember to use it, and that can slow the game down.  To help, here’s some loot card ideas that you can use to assist with both tracking items and making items easier to use!
green and blue tabletop RPG dice

Tips and tricks for pacing tabletop RPGs for kids

I’ve gotten a few questions about how pacing tabletop RPGs for kids is different than pacing a tabletop RPG for adults, and the answer is actually a bit complicated since it depends significantly on your kid (there’s a big difference between pacing a game for a 4 year old, a 9 year old, or a 15 year old).  Despite this range and variation though, there are common techniques that can apply to any age range AND there’s some easy ways to reframe them so they can more easily apply to kids!
TTRPGkids - tabletop RPGs for kids, multicolored dice picture

6 tips and tricks to run smooth tabletop RPG encounters for kids!

When running a tabletop RPG encounter for any age group, there can be a lot to juggle – spell lists, initiative order, multiple rolls, etc.  In games with kids, the difficulty for managing all this can be ramped up a bit due to increased excitement, mechanics, usability, and attention span.  To help with all this, here’s some tips and tricks that I’ve learned to help you and your young players enjoy your game encounters and have a good time!

Making a tabletop RPG for your particular kid: a quick start step by step guide!

Taking the leap into creating your own story and mechanics for a game with your kids can be a little daunting – there’s a lot to consider!  To help break things down, I created a one-page guide that walks you through each step of the process in a clear and concise way so you have a solid foundation for making some awesome games for your particular kid!
TTRPGkids - tabletop RPGs for kids, multicolored dice picture

The unique joys and challenges of playing tabletop RPGs with kids (part 1), featuring Daddy Rolled a 1!

There are tons of benefits for kids when it comes to playing tabletop roleplaying games, but there’s also a lot of impact on the grown ups introducing the game too! Check out these awesome joys and some challenges that parents, caregivers, and teachers can expect when playing tabletop RPGs with kids, featuring insights from Daddy Rolled a 1 on playing with tweens in addition to my own experience with my little one!

Tabletop RPG safety tools for kids: 4 quick steps to learn and respect boundaries

We want to make sure that our kids are going to have their boundaries respected when playing tabletop RPGs (whether it is D&D or any other game) and will feel comfortable enough playing that they want to come back. So, we’re going to look at some safety tools that can help and how to make some tweaks to these existing safety tools to be used for your particular kid.
examples of toys and kitchen things used as game props for inventory

TTRPGkids Tips and Tricks: Tracking items and managing inventory in TTRPG’s with kids!

Remembering to use your items in game can be a challenge for kids or adults – here are some tips and tricks for keeping item tracking easy enough for kids to do on their and accessible enough that any player will remember to use their inventory!
dice roller article header

Tips and Tricks make a DIY game dice roller with your kids!

My kid will get VERY enthusiastic about rolling dice while we play and… half the time they end up across the room with the cat batting and chasing them under the couch. Here’s a few dice roller crafts that I’ve made with kiddo to help keep the dice on or near the table and help with tracking which ones to use!