
Tiny Tome, Tiny TTRPG Review: Omotenashi

Omotenashi is a cozy storytelling prompt game all about hospitality and helping others feel welcome.  In this animal-populated world, take on the roles of staff members as a getaway for a variety of guests, all with different needs, and figure out how to help them relax and find inspiration in their lives.
5 Second Rule

Tiny Tome, Tiny TTRPG Review: 5 Second Rule

Congrats!  You have superpowers (!!), but they are limited to 5 seconds.  Maybe you can only turn back time by 5 seconds or maybe you can only gain super strength for 5 second intervals, but you still need to escape, complete daring feats of super heroism, and have adventures!  Use these limits to get creative and work together to use your powers to their fullest.
Tiny Tome

A summary of my Tiny Tome, Tiny TTRPG reviews – all the Tiny Tome games I’ve played with my kid!

I reviewed a handful of games from the Tiny Tome anthology, a collection of fifty 1-page TTRPG’s!  Several of these games are awesome rules-lite tabletop RPGs that are great for kids and were a joy to play with my child – check out a few of them here!
Princesses of the Pizza Parlor - part 1

Book review of Princesses of the Pizza Parlor, a story of tabletop RPGs, friendship, and running games for kids

Princesses of the Pizza Parlor by Maikel Yarimizu is the story of and uncle running a tabletop role playing game for his niece and her tween friends.  It’s a fun tale that follows their character’s adventures in the game… and the drama between the players outside of the game as they navigate their friendships.  I enjoyed the read, and I hope you and your kids do too!
felt, friendship, and feelings purple puppet

Review of Felt, Friendship, and Feelings, a tabletop RPG with a classic kids show vibe!

Felt, Friendship, and Feelings was a big hit with my 3yo (who loves Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock), and it gave us a really cool way to tell a story together with characters similar to the shows my kid loves.
Mages and Macrophages

Review Mages & Macrophages, a zombie tabletop game adventure by Ampersand RPG!

I got to try out Mages & Macrophages!  This is a FULL game kit that comes with everything needed (DM screen, minis, maps, dice, character sheets, item tokens, and more) to really just sit down and immediately start playing a game. PLUS it has 5e compatible simplified rules that took maybe 5 minutes to understand.  I was really excited to try this out, and I had a great time playing this with my family!
Adorablins tin

Review of Adorablins, a cute goblin-themed tabletop RPG that fits in a tin!

I was very fortunate to play a pre-release copy of Adorablins, and had a great time using it to have some super cute, goblin-themed adventures diving through portals and rescuing everything from a cake to a missing cow across distant lands such as Dinosaur Island and New York City!
The Hero's Tale

Review of The Hero’s Tale, a family focused tabletop RPG

I found out about The Hero’s Tale while reading Roll Dice, Build Character, a book about playing tabletop RPGs with family and tabletop RPG history that I reviewed in 2021!  After some chatting, I was actually able to play a session with the game’s creators, which was an awesome experience!  The Hero’s Tale was designed for smooth play, creating engaging characters, and easy encounter mechanics – I picked it up after a very quick pre-session review, and had a blast playing with Mark, Jake, and Brendon!