Supporting TTRPGkids

If TTRPGkids has helped you out and you want to help support TTRPGkids in return, check out here for ways you can keep TTRPGkids rolling.

I’m doing this to help families, teachers, camp leaders, kids, teens, etc find games to play together and to support creators who are making TTRPGs for kids because I think it can benefit people. It is a fun hobby for me, and I enjoy making content because it helps me have an impact.

That said, I am running TTRPGkids out of my own funds until I can consistently make enough to break even on the costs for the site, material for this content, and events that help TTRPGkids grow. If you’d like to help support TTRPGkids’ efforts, please check out a few ways below (including zero cost options)!

#1 – Use/share TTRPGkids’ articles and let me know if it has helped

The best ways you can support TTRPGkids is to use/share my material and to let me know if it is helping you.

I would love to see some positive impact from this site and to know that it is helping. I would also love to share my content with more people.

If something worked well for you and you want to share, please do! I have buttons at the end of each article for easy sharing, you can leave a comment there, or you can contact me through the site’s contact form.

#2 – Use TTRPGkids’ affiliate links

I vowed to not do pop-up ads with this website, but I am using affiliate links (since they are low impact to the site and user). If you click on one of my affiliate links and use it shop, the company you are shopping with counts it as a referral and will pay me a small commission. This is no additional cost to your shopping cart total.

So, if you want to buy a game I recommended, if you use the link from my article instead of searching for it in google, I may get a small commission from your purchase if it was an affiliate link.

If I use affiliate links in an article, I will state it at the top of the page. You can also check my disclosure page for a list of the affiliate programs that I am working with and get more detail about affiliate links.

#3 – Purchase TTRPGkids games

I publish my own games on and ko-fi and would love for people to use them. I have a list of my games here that I am updating if you want to shop for the latest!

Some games have a set cost and others are pay-what-you-want (PWYW). For PWYW games, you can pick these up for free, and, if you feel it deserves it/you can afford it, you can manually input what you would like to spend on the game.

#4 – Check out the TTRPGkids ko-fi

I do also have a Ko-Fi account and am using this to raise enough to cover site, fund convention expenses, print some of my games, etc. I offer sponsorship tiers, games, gamer discounts, and more, so you still get some cool rewards for making a donation.

I have also started to crowdfund some of my projects, so keep an eye out for TTRPGkids Crowdfundr campaigns. These campaigns REALLY help TTRPGkids, and you can pick up some awesome rewards (like printed games or special perks) by supporting these special events.

If you can’t financially support, then sharing the TTRPGkids ko-fi and Crowdfundrs also provides support! It helps people to find them and, often, a recommendation from a peer means a lot more to people than a recommendation from the company.

Thank you!

Again, thank you very much for checking this page out, and I hope TTRPGkids is helping you find games and ways to play TTRPG’s with your kids and teens!

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