TTRPGkids Featured Projects: Class Cheat Sheets for 5e
*as a note, the intro for this was written by Steph from TTRPGkids, and the below description was written by the Icarus Games team!
Class Cheat Sheets for 5e is a set of game aids (cheat sheets) intended to help players of the 5th edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game learn and remember the rules of their character class, as well as the common options in combat.

Each sheet is split into 3 parts:
Part 1 is dedicated to the core class abilities, and delivers the information in simple, natural language. Each ability includes a note regarding the level it is available from, a tracker to mark number of uses consumed when applicable, an image to make searching the sheet easier, and a page reference to make it easy to look up the full rules.
The KS will fund the design of the 12 core classes available in the 5e SRD.
Part 2 is dedicated to the player’s subclass, and includes the same details as part 1. The KS is funding the 12 base subclasses included in the SRD. If the campaign is successful, all other subclasses will be available in the future exclusively on DMSGuild to meet the terms of the Open Gaming License.
Part 3 is a quick reference to tell players what their options are in combat, and remind them that they have options beyond simply attacking.
The Kickstarter for these class cheat sheets successfully funded, and you can now find them here on DriveThruRPG!
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