Help us get our EDU TTRPG talks at SXSW EDU!

Earlier this year, I was part of a group of awesome educators and presenters who brought two events EDU TTRPG events to SXSW EDU. We now have four proposals in for this year and need your help voting to get them approved AND to help get more educators interested in and informed about using TTRPGs in class!
michael low headshot

Interview with Michael Low, creator of Starsworn and Luck of Legends!

I previously reviewed Michael’s game, Starsworn and listened to the playthroughs on Stories Podcast, and they were both so good, I kind of had to do an interview. Michael has a lot of experience and insight in playing TTRPG’s with kids and has done wonders for the kids in his educational programs! We talked about the games, advice, why TTRPG’s work so well with kids… so much solidly helpful information.