photo of Katie Lear

Interview with Katie Lear, counselor, therapist, and founder of Young Dragonslayers!

Katie Lear is an experienced child counselor and therapist who combined her profession with her childhood love of theater and newfound love of TTRPGs to create Young Dragonslayers, an online D&D group for kids! Find out more about her XP, advice, and awesome work with Young Dragonslayers here!
Title image showing TTRPGkids logo followed by the text: Proposing a classroom TTRPG. The background looks like math equations written on a green chalkboard.

How to propose classroom tabletop RPGs to your school

Almost as often as I see people talk about the benefits of using tabletop RPGs to teach, I see people talking about how difficult it is to get it approved for classroom use.  This article goes over how I was able to get some TTRPG elements approved for my class and gives ideas to help you submit a successful proposal to your administration.