Using TTRPGs to teach resilience in life and in school

Resilience is a critical skill that affects how we handle life’s twists and turns, and, while it is important for adults to learn too, it is imperative that kids have the opportunity to pick up resilience skills to help them later in life, in handling their current school load, and more… And TTRPGs are an excellent way to practice handling failure and dealing with life’s nat 1’s.

TTRPGs for kids: The “Good Enough” session

I have read about, received messages from, and talked with several families and educators who are hesitant to start TTRPGs with their kids because they’re stressed about getting all the steps right.

While some concern is great (because it means that you’re thinking about it and trying to do well for the kids), it is also sometimes better to have a “good enough” session that actually happens versus a “perfect” session that stays in the planning phase.

How TTRPGs have helped my 5yo kid and me

How Tabletop RPGs have helped my 5yo kid and me

In 2021, I posted an article about how TTRPGs have helped my kid (then 3yo) and me.  At that time, we had been playing TTRPGs for about 6 months and had tried out 8 games.  Now, we’ve been playing TTRPGs for 2.5 years and have tried out close to 80 games together!  With that growth, I think it’s about time to give an update on how TTRPGs have continued to help both my kid and me.
Header image for the article showing a blue gear themed background with the TTRPGkids logo with text under it stating "Practicing problem solving with TTRPGs"

Practicing the engineering problem solving process using tabletop RPGs

As an engineer and engineering professor, I know how critical problem solving skills are for work, students, and just life in general…. and tabletop RPGs are a great way to hone and practice those skills in a very fun way that fosters a positive outlook when faced with a challenge! Read on for a discussion on problem solving skills, a fun example about a dragon lair heist, and how TTRPGs apply can help develop these skills through practice!
Title image showing TTRPGkids logo followed by the text: Proposing a classroom TTRPG. The background looks like math equations written on a green chalkboard.

How to propose classroom tabletop RPGs to your school

Almost as often as I see people talk about the benefits of using tabletop RPGs to teach, I see people talking about how difficult it is to get it approved for classroom use.  This article goes over how I was able to get some TTRPG elements approved for my class and gives ideas to help you submit a successful proposal to your administration.
TTRPGkids Tips and Tricks Recovering from a Moody Table with orange and yellow dice in the background of the title words

Tips and tricks: Recovering from moody situations at the TTRPG table… especially with kids

Sometimes, the game is rolling along and everything seems fine… then suddenly it isn’t.  One of your kids or players gets upset over a bad roll or they appear to flip a switch and disengage completely.  What do you do now?  Here’s some tips for how to recover from certain moods and conflicts at the TTRPG table with your kids.
orange and red tabletop RPG dice - TTRPGkids

Tips and Tricks: For when kids want to go “villain mode” in your tabletop RPG

So, you’ve picked a non-combat game, you have a nice exploration plot planned, you start the first session, and, as you come to a town, your kid casts fireball and wants to BURN IT DOWN!

What do you do?

I’ve been asked similar questions a few times, either on social media or via email, and I wanted to share my personal experience in running games with my kid to help you get some ideas for how to deal with kids wanting to go villain mode.