Interview with “The Kiddo” (2024)

Last year, I interviewed my kiddo, who is my main player for trying out games and helping me learn about TTRPGs for younglings! This is an update interview to see how his responses have changed and share a bit more of our journey with you all.

What do you know about tabletop RPGs?

They’re fun! They have dice. Sometimes they have dice!

They’re super cool. You go on adventures like in the game I made that we play. It has a water level and a boat and a bottle in the boat but it was just Gatorade.

Yeah, I remember that one! What did the Gatorade do?

You could trade it in to Discworld Death for health potions because there’s a Discworld Death in the game. If a member of the party gets really hurt, it lets you revive them!

Like the time you had the rocks fall on Pappap’s character, right?

Heehee, yes!

Who are some new people that you started playing tabletop RPGs with?

Oh! Grandma and Pappap and Aunt [T].

What did you like about playing with them?

It was fun! They got two super successes with the skeleton and got the key to the water level, then they had to do the Gatorade thing to revive Pappap because he tried to punch the wall but rocks fell on him! That punched them into another level though, but it was SO HARD because they didn’t have any experience for it. They did not win that.

It was called Secret Cave, and it was creepy!!!

You made that game all by yourself too, didn’t you?


What did you like about making your own game?

I liked making the maps and all the characters. They were minifigs that you could make with Legos! I did it all custom. I’m going to get them.

[runs to other room singing the game’s theme song before coming back with his map and some of the characters]

The dungeon map was 3D too! It’s present wrapping and we put a bridge right here. This is where the skeletons are, and that’s the door to the water level. It is BANANAS!

These are the characters, and I can make them hold hands like they’re jumping! One can hold a whacking stick too, and this one had a fireball!

I liked that everyone liked the game. Like… they really liked it, and they said it was fun.

Did that feel good?


What has been your favorite character to play?

Um… I like all of the characters!

But can you tell me about one in particular?

Oh, it’s the guy with the boomerang. There was also a wizard in the tile game, and I really liked the wizard. My wizard had a wand, and I had freezing spells like Elsa. That was COOL.

Do you get it?

Yeah, I got the joke! That was a good one.

What advice do you have for kids who want to play tabletop RPGs?

Like… just do it! Feel free to just do it.

Make a character and put them on a sheet of paper, and then you just picked the character that you want and you can play. It was like… one minute, and then you have a lot of fun! And you get to draw the character!

I’ve only made one full game so far, but you can make one too, and it is A LOT OF FUN.

But then if your Pappap punches the wall, you might have to have rocks fall on his character. You can have your characters be robots though so it’s easier to fix them and also make sure you have health potions too to make it fair.

You did a really good job making that game – it was a lot of fun seeing you play with more people AND to play the game YOU made!! That was so cool.

Thank you kiddo for doing this interview! And thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with me!

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