Thank you Crowdfundr supporters!
Thank you to all those who supported the TTRPGkids Crowdfundr! The individuals listed here contributed to the TTRPGkids Crowdfundr through the Generous Dragons, Monthly Mages, and Inspiring Friends tiers to both support this resource and the community!
Also, if you contributed but don’t see your name here or see that an update is needed, please email me at so I can make a correction.
Thank you Generous Dragons!
These supporters contributed the industry standard rate for an article without asking for a reward! The generosity of these TTRPGkids champions has gone a long way in helping to sustain this resource.

Xoe from Knife Bunny Games
Xoe, who has a variety of awesome games, many of which are great for ages 8+, like VelociRapture, Unraveled, and Bread. Please check out its work on Knife Bunny Games, and THANK YOU XOE!

Cort Welch
Thank you Cort for your support! Your contribution has gone towards helping TTRPGkids go to conventions and run more talks so others can find the resource and get their questions answered. THANK YOU CORT!

Kathy Shevenock
Thank you to Kathy Shevenock and the rest of the Shevenock family for contributing to the campaign. Knowing that you’re supporting and using the resouce brings so much joy to our family and helps greatly in making this dream a reality. THANK YOU SHEVENOCKS!
Thank you Monthly Mages!
These supporters contributed the monthly maintenance cost of TTRPGkids’ site fees! This helps TTRPGkids to be sustainable throughout 2024 so I don’t need to worry about meeting baseline costs of keeping articles available to the public.

- January – Amalara Game Studio
- February – M. Allen Hall
- March – Marco A. Torres (MonarcWriter)
- April – Theresa S.
- May – World of Corde
- June – RPG Blender
- July – Magi-Knights Project
- August – anonymous
- September – M. Allen Hall
- October – Rob Wilkinson
- November – Inner Realms Journey
- December – anonymous
Thank you Inspiring Friends!
These supporters collectively donated 60 community copies of TTRPGkids games without asking for any reward! That’s 60 friend groups, families, schools, or libraries that can get free games without having to ask or wonder if it’s OK to get a copy. Not only did this help fund the site for the year… it’s having a massive direct impact on the community by increasing availability of kid-friendly TTRPGs.

- Alex
- Cat Miller
- David MK
- Theresa S.
- Bridgewatch
- Nick Stefanski
- M. Allen Hall
- Ruth Swift-Wood
- Stéphanie Dusablon
- NotADoctorQuinn
- DanDMadeEasy
- Lee Hawkridge
Thank you for your support!
Thank you ALL for your support, and I look forward to seeing the impact from TTRPGkids continue to grow thanks to your backing this endeavor to improve TTRPG accessibility for younger audiences, integrate TTRPGs into educational settings, and have fun running games with our kids!

If you liked this post and want to stay up to date on TTRPGkids, make sure to subscribe to the monthly newsletter to find out the latest on reviews, tips and tricks, game and podcast list updates, and more! Thank you for playing tabletop RPGs with your kids and sharing this awesome hobby with the next generation!