Tips and Tricks: Non-violent TTRPG environmental challenge ideas

This article has a whole bunch of ideas and examples for creating environmental challenges to try out in your games!  I receive a lot of questions or comments about how to give more action-packed but non-violent encounters for young players, and environmental challenges are one of my favorite go-tos. 
cover from world of wyldrvir, a non-combat tabletop RPG

Interview with Bee, Creator of World of Wyldrvir and non-combat tabletop RPG!

If you’re interested in non-combat tabletop RPGs, road trips, wizard schools, and character driven stories, you need to check out World of Wyldrvir! I had the awesome opportunity to chat with Bee, one of the game’s creators, to discuss Wyldrvir’s style, non-combat encounters, player characters, expansions, and lots more!